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Status Filters

status filter dropdown

Status filters in Bidbear will filter all the items on the page, including Line Charts, Tables and Sunburst Charts.

One of the issues we have noticed with the generic advertising dashboard is that often times the tables are full of empty items with no data, and we've taken steps to solve that problem.

We have made the decision to filter out expired items by default, even if they have an active status. Expired items will have no data and will clutter tables.

If you would like to view expired items, add the expired tag to the filter.

Additionally we have decided to extend the application of the filter beyond the immediate item, to all sub items.

In effect what this means is that if you are on the Campaigns tab and the filter is set to active, you will be shown not only active Campaigns, but also only active Ad Groups within those Campaigns.

Again, the purpose of this is to remove empty items from the tables, and to make the data more readable.

The behaviour extends to all locations in the dashboard.