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Expansion Strategies

Expansion strategies are ways to grow sales without launching new products.

Identify Alternate Product Uses

Many products can have uses beyond their original intent. For example a bicycle pump can be used to inflate a yoga ball. Search your keyword target matches for potential alternate uses for your products and lean into those keywords. It may even be that the market for the alternate use is larger than the original.

2L Campaigns

This strategy is also covered in Campaign Strategies > 2nd Language

This strategy involves creating campaigns in a second language, typically the second most popular language in the region. For example if you are in the US, you would create a campaign in Spanish. If you are in Canada you would create a campaign in French.

You take your keywords from your High Quality Targets campaigns, and you duplicate those campaigns, translating the language of the keywords to the second language.

Expand To Foreign Regions

It is likely that you are only selling in one Amazon region. If you are in the US, you may only be selling in the US. If you are in Canada, you may only be selling in Canada, etc.

Expanding to foreign regions is not easy, but it can be very profitable. This is an expansive topic outside the scope of this guide so we will leave it at that.